The event was hosted by Cleveland Social Venture Partners, and headlined by leadership and systems thinking guru, Peter Senge, with support from Mobile Innovation Lab, a Cleveland-based Design Thinking consultancy.
The event was live-streamed over the Internet into schools and businesses by the network.
You can see the founders of Mobile Innovation Lab Ken Chapin and Abby Straus (also a partner in M&B) facilitate the 90 minute brainstorming session that led into Peter Senge's world cafe activity. Click here to watch the video.
You can also download a copy of what everyone had to say. Click here.
For those who are interested in undertaking a similar activity, here's a workshop you might like to try with your own social entrepreneurship community:
1. What are the big societal and technological changes/trends that we’re responding to in Social Innovation?
2. What’s working really well in the world of Social Innovation? What do we want to KEEP? ABANDON? RE-INVENT?
3. What leadership qualities are essential for success in Social Innovation? Think about great leaders you admire and your own strengths and successes as a leader?
4. You have been asked to design a leadership development program. Thinking about the qualities/skills required (from question 3), what are some activities that might help develop/practice those skills.
5. Describe a social innovation project you might like to lead today. 5 word title, 25 word description and how will it benefit society/the world?